Saturday, February 16, 2013
Essay by David Detrich
Valentine's Day 2013 and I have finally completed The Convergence of Two Narrative Lines Ascending after numerous revisions spanning a two year time lapse sequence of early morning novel writing while waiting for the sun to rise over the Upper Peninsula horizon line: a theoretical novel that discusses the esthetics of novel writing in a dialogue between the narrator D. and the waterfall with red hair which takes the form of an avant garde semiotic text written in minimal squares. This is an ultramodern Surrealist novel that develops the themes of Maurice Roche in CodeX and Ronald Sukenick in 98.6 and Long Talking Bad Conditions Blues, innovative novelists who have written about the archeology of consciousness and now on the year of the Convergence 2012 The Convergence of Two Narrative Lines Ascending is complete and looking for a publisher.
First page from The Convergence of Two Narrative Lines Ascending by David Detrich |
The Convergence of Two Narrative Lines Ascending is written for film, and I have begun work on a screenplay which consists of a long dialogue between the narrator D. (named after the Philippe Sollers novel Event) and the waterfall with read hair: who is a Surrealist metaphor, and the novel can be envisioned as a time lapse sequence of Upper Peninsula sunrise colors and scenes from San Francisco, Santa Cruz, and Big Sur.
First section of The Convergence of Two Narrative Lines Ascending by David Detrich |
I am looking for a filmmaker who can blend time lapse scenes with the erotic lingerie clad women who inspire the theme of the waterfall with red hair: a woman whose hair flows forward like a waterfall. With digital animation scenes of lettering in motion, and time lapse images of the pages of the novel, the soundtrack should be similar to the reading from Big Sur Marvels & Wondrous Delights by David Detrich, in which Carrie L. Butts reads with a melodious crystal clear voice.
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David Detrich.
David W Detrich
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